Structure of Assembly

The Municipal Assembly is the highest political and administrative authority in the Municipality with power to exercise deliberative, legislative and executive functions in line with the Local Governance Act, 2016, Act 936.

The Assembly comprises Municipal Chief Executive; twenty-four (24) Assembly members of whom sixteen (16) or two thirds are elected by universal adult suffrage and eight (8) or one-thirds are appointed by the President in consultation with the chiefs and interest groups in the Municipality. The Member of Parliament of the municipality is a non-voting member. The Assembly is chaired by a Presiding Member elected from among their rank.

The single-constituency (Abuakwa North) Municipality has three (3) zonal Councils namely; Tafo, Kukurantumi and Osiem.

The Assembly performs its functions through the MCE-headed Executive Committee and a network of sub-committees namely Development Planning sub-committee, Social Services sub-committee, Works sub-committee, Finance and Administration sub-committee and Justice and Security sub-committee.

Office of the Municipal Assembly

The Office of the Municipal Assembly which is headed by the Municipal Co-ordinating Director (MCD) is mandated to assist in the general administration of the Assembly. Key Units that facilitate the work of the Assembly include the Municipal Planning Co-ordinating Unit, Internal Audit Unit, Procurement Unit, Stores, Registry and Clients’ Service Units. The MPCU which comprises all the heads of departments of the Assembly as well as other relevant institutions has the unique function of providing advisory and secretarial services to the Assembly.

Departments of the Assembly

Schedule two of the Act 936 provides for the establishment of thirteen departments of the Assembly. However, only eleven are fully established and functional. They are:

Central Administration


Social Welfare and Community Development



Disaster Prevention and Management (NADMO)



Physical Planning

Urban Roads

Human Resource Department.